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The best singing bowls for 100 years

I am proud to say that the singing bowls in my current collection are the best I have offered in 20 years. As a leading expert in antique singing bowls, it is safe for me to say that the new Tibetan singing bowls I am offering today are the best made in over 100 years. While they are still no comparison to the very fine antiques I offer in my rare antique collection, these new singing bowls are much nicer than anything found in recent years and even late period antiques. They ring longer, sound more in tune, are louder, have a stronger vibration and a great feeling overall. They're really excellent and I'm thrilled to be offering them. I encourage you to listen to them and hear the difference for yourself.

To explore these beautiful vibrational instruments, listen to lots of my sound clips to get familiar with the range of tones the bowls make.

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